When Prince Robert finds the legendary Sleeping Beauty, now long deceased, he accidentally triggers the magic of the castle. With no other royalty in sight, Robert is gathered in...as the next Sleeping Beauty! He awakens in a brand new adventure, right in the middle of Sherwood Forest and with no less than the sinister Prince John the one to awaken him.
Fairy tale and myth combine in this transformation adventure.
Irresponsible Prince Robert barely survived an ambush that cost the lives of all his bodyguards save his friend Jon. Now lost in a cursed forest the two friends stumble into a myth. When Prince Robert finds the legendary Sleeping Beauty, now long deceased, he accidentally triggers the magic of the castle. With no other royalty in sight, Robert is chosen as the next Sleeping Beauty! He awakens in a brand new adventure, right in the middle of Sherwood Forest and with no less than the sinister Prince John the one to awaken him…with a kiss.
Even though his kingdom is long gone, can Robert live up to the legacy of his family and save an oppressed people? Will Jon stay loyal to Robert despite the loss of everything he held dear?