He climbed a ladder of hair to save a fair maiden. Instead of a reward, she stole his body, leaving him stuck in the tower in her place!
While searching a dark forest for the truth behind the legend of a princess trapped in a tower, Squire Connor Gardner stumbles onto a woman cursed to multiple lifetimes in an inescapable tower.
Beautiful and captivating, the woman Rapunzel might not be a princess, but Connor falls for her immediately. Unfortunately for him, Rapunzel has other plans for his body. Like stealing it!
Stuck in the tower, Connor faces a lifetime of boredom until his fellow squire arrives to save the day! However, the two friends are not prepared for their sudden attraction. Will the curse stand up to their infatuation, or will Jaiden be stuck in the tower?
And then there's the dark knight, Connor's master Sir Hagger. A knight more interested in rescuing princesses and a womanizer skilled in tempting the skirts right off peasant women, Sir Hagger leaves Connor's new form weak in the knees, despite Connor knowing all of the knight's flaws. Can Connor avoid Sir Hagger's charm, or should he just give in to the potential pleasure?
Find out in this body swap retelling of the Rapunzel fairy tale! Includes scenes meant for adults only, including a m2f and f2m body swap and plenty of erotic fun with a special epilogue where Rapunzel learns that curses are not so easy to break.
He climbed a ladder of hair to save a fair maiden. Instead of a reward, she stole his body, leaving him stuck in the tower in her place!
While searching a dark forest for the truth behind the legend of a princess trapped in a tower, Squire Connor Gardner stumbles onto a woman cursed to multiple lifetimes in an inescapable tower.
Beautiful and captivating, the woman Rapunzel might not be a princess, but Connor falls for her immediately. Unfortunately for him, Rapunzel has other plans for his body. Like stealing it!
Stuck in the tower, Connor faces a lifetime of boredom until his fellow squire arrives to save the day! However, the two friends are not prepared for their sudden attraction. Will the curse stand up to their infatuation, or will Jaiden be stuck in the tower?
And then there’s the dark knight, Connor’s master Sir Hagger. A knight more interested in rescuing princesses and a womanizer skilled in tempting the skirts right off peasant women, Sir Hagger leaves Connor’s new form weak in the knees, despite Connor knowing all of the knight’s flaws. Can Connor avoid Sir Hagger’s charm, or should he just give in to the potential pleasure?
Find out in this body swap retelling of the Rapunzel fairy tale! Includes scenes meant for adults only, including a m2f and f2m body swap and plenty of erotic fun with a special epilogue where Rapunzel learns that curses are not so easy to break.