I have returned to Smashwords!
This means some of my books are now available directly on Smashwords and will over the coming week become available on Apple, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo.
Now for the caveats.
Because of the way Kindle Unlimited works, I cannot have my books in both KU and available for sale elsewhere. So, over the next couple of months, already released books will be coming off of KU. If you’re a KU reader and still interested in reading them, you’ll have to grab them soon. I’d prefer to be able to do both, but at this time Amazon does not allow it.
New releases will still be exclusive to Amazon for 90 days, for the time being. I’ll re-evaluate the decision over the coming months. I hope my readers will understand this was not an easy decision. I’m still not sure if I’m making a mistake, but we’ll see.
L.M. Gregory
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